Konrad Wronka

Konrad Wronka Email and Phone Number

Construction Site Manager @ Graham Group
down, united kingdom

Konrad Wronka's Current Company Details


Graham Group

Construction Site Manager
down, united kingdom

Konrad Wronka Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Konrad Wronka

What company does Konrad Wronka work for?

Konrad Wronka works for Graham Group

What is Konrad Wronka's role in his/her workplace?

Konrad Wronka's role in his/her workplace is Construction Site Manager.

Which industry does Konrad Wronka work in currently?

Konrad Wronka works in the industry Construction.

What is Konrad Wronka's role in his workplace?

Konrad Wronka has skills like Construction, Construction Management, and Construction Safety.

Who are Konrad Wronka's colleagues?

Konrad Wronka's colleagues are Colin Kennedy, Colin Kennedy, Russell Knott, Russell Knott, Charlotte Jones, Charlotte Jones, Steve Gale, Steve Gale, Stephen Van Den Hoek, Stephen Van Den Hoek, and Simon Gillespie. and James White.

Who are Konrad Wronka's peers at other companies?

Konrad Wronka's peers at other companies are Cleofe Rodil, Anna Parjaszewska, Joost Huijgen, Serafim Angelis, Manu Srivastava, and Steven Ide. and Michael Belley. Konrad Wronka's peers at other companies are Cleofe Rodil, Anna Parjaszewska, Joost Huijgen, Serafim Angelis, Manu Srivastava, and Steven Ide. and Michael Belley.