Kimberly Yancy

Kimberly Yancy Email and Phone Number

Kimberly Yancy's Current Company Details

Houston Texas

Facilities Services

Kimberly Yancy Work Experience

Kimberly Yancy Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kimberly Yancy

What company does Kimberly Yancy work for?

Kimberly Yancy works for Houston Texas

Which industry does Kimberly Yancy work in currently?

Kimberly Yancy works in the industry Facilities Services.

What schools did Kimberly Yancy attend?

Kimberly Yancy attended Lone Star College.

Who are Kimberly Yancy's peers at other companies?

Kimberly Yancy's peers at other companies are Margarete Da Silva Alves, Tilo Zimmerman, Mohammad Rahman, James Rooney, Graham Mcskimming, and Siyabulela Mkosi. and Claudia Cancino. Kimberly Yancy's peers at other companies are Margarete Da Silva Alves, Tilo Zimmerman, Mohammad Rahman, James Rooney, Graham Mcskimming, and Siyabulela Mkosi. and Claudia Cancino.