Kimberly Parr

Kimberly Parr Email and Phone Number

Jefe De Operaciones @ Garces Fruit
molina, maule, chile

Kimberly Parr's Current Company Details

Garces Fruit

Jefe De Operaciones
molina, maule, chile
Food Production

Kimberly Parr Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kimberly Parr

What company does Kimberly Parr work for?

Kimberly Parr works for Garces Fruit

What is Kimberly Parr's role in his/her workplace?

Kimberly Parr's role in his/her workplace is Jefe De Operaciones.

Which industry does Kimberly Parr work in currently?

Kimberly Parr works in the industry Food Production.

Who are Kimberly Parr's colleagues?

Kimberly Parr's colleagues are María Vasconcello, María Vasconcello, Eduardo Luna, Eduardo Luna, Andrés Arzani, Andrés Arzani, Dania Venegas, Dania Venegas, Yesenia Poblete, Yesenia Poblete, and Simonne Ruiz. and Armando Retamales.

Who are Kimberly Parr's peers at other companies?

Kimberly Parr's peers at other companies are Francisco Iturbide, Travaun Davis, Ioana Andreea, Jack Alberti, Rob Hutchins, and Mike Meise. and Channa Jayakody. Kimberly Parr's peers at other companies are Francisco Iturbide, Travaun Davis, Ioana Andreea, Jack Alberti, Rob Hutchins, and Mike Meise. and Channa Jayakody.