Kimberly Anguiano

Kimberly Anguiano Email and Phone Number

san francisco, california, united states

Kimberly Anguiano's Current Company Details

Dignity Health

san francisco, california, united states
Hospital & Health Care
I used to work at school holy rosary catholic school and would work with kids and helped them with their workMy sophomore year I worked at dignity health at offices and learned how to file mails.

Kimberly Anguiano Work Experience

    Office Worker
    Dignity Health Aug 19 - Mar 20 · 7 mos
    San Francisco, California, United States
    I would file papers and organize mails and take mails to the mail office
    Teacher Assistant
    School Jan 19 - May 19 · 4 mos
    I helped tutor kids and watched helped teacher by making copies and read books to little kids.

Kimberly Anguiano Education

    Cristo Rey High School Sacramento
    2018 - 2022

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kimberly Anguiano

What company does Kimberly Anguiano work for?

Kimberly Anguiano works for Dignity Health

Which industry does Kimberly Anguiano work in currently?

Kimberly Anguiano works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What schools did Kimberly Anguiano attend?

Kimberly Anguiano attended Cristo Rey High School Sacramento.

Who are Kimberly Anguiano's colleagues?

Kimberly Anguiano's colleagues are Ravichander Golla, Ravichander Golla, Rhea G, Rhea G, Erika Fernandez, Erika Fernandez, Linzy Davidson, Linzy Davidson, Andrei Cordova, Andrei Cordova, and Joyce Dorsey. and Aldo Villa.

Who are Kimberly Anguiano's peers at other companies?

Kimberly Anguiano's peers at other companies are Tracy Eacret, Juliet Agyeman, Paige Harris, Cooper Holbrook, Jose De Oliveira, and Benjamin Loach. and Joseph Kanasz. Kimberly Anguiano's peers at other companies are Tracy Eacret, Juliet Agyeman, Paige Harris, Cooper Holbrook, Jose De Oliveira, and Benjamin Loach. and Joseph Kanasz.