Kim Smith

Kim Smith Email and Phone Number

hayes, hillingdon, united kingdom

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Kim Smith's Current Company Details


hayes, hillingdon, united kingdom
Global Head of Nonclinical Publishing and Document Management at GlaxoSmithKline

Kim Smith Work Experience

    Global Head Of Nonclinical Publishing And Document Management
    United Kingdom

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kim Smith

What company does Kim Smith work for?

Kim Smith works for Gsk

Which industry does Kim Smith work in currently?

Kim Smith works in the industry Pharmaceuticals.

What is Kim Smith's email address?

Kim Smith's email address is

Who are Kim Smith's colleagues?

Kim Smith's colleagues are Satyajit Khangembam, Satyajit Khangembam, Belgica Molano, Belgica Molano, Ahmed Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamed, Barbara Lisiecka, Barbara Lisiecka, Megan O'neill, Megan O'neill, and Huimin Yuan. and Alison Zimmerman.

Who are Kim Smith's peers at other companies?

Kim Smith's peers at other companies are Srinivas Sangam, Dağhan Çelik, Kerry Burgen, Steven Ash, Ganesh Patil, and Homeira Hassanzade. and Stephanie Mallick. Kim Smith's peers at other companies are Srinivas Sangam, Dağhan Çelik, Kerry Burgen, Steven Ash, Ganesh Patil, and Homeira Hassanzade. and Stephanie Mallick.