Kim Newton

Kim Newton Email and Phone Number

University Relationship Branch Manager @ Santander Uk
london, london, united kingdom

Kim Newton's Current Company Details

Santander Uk

University Relationship Branch Manager
london, london, united kingdom

Kim Newton Work Experience

    University Relationship Branch Manager
    Santander Uk ['2006-10-01', 'Present']
    London, London, United Kingdom

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kim Newton

What company does Kim Newton work for?

Kim Newton works for Santander Uk

What is Kim Newton's role in his/her workplace?

Kim Newton's role in his/her workplace is University Relationship Branch Manager.

Which industry does Kim Newton work in currently?

Kim Newton works in the industry Banking.

Who are Kim Newton's colleagues?

Kim Newton's colleagues are Chris Atkinson, Chris Atkinson, Sandy Gray, Sandy Gray, Thomas Armour, Thomas Armour, William Ibekwe, William Ibekwe, Bill Reeves, Bill Reeves, and Karen Frazer. and Cydney Palmer.

Who are Kim Newton's peers at other companies?

Kim Newton's peers at other companies are Jeffrey Cockfield, Amy Dubridge, Ba Janet Reid, Edwige Lemarchand, Daniela Migliavacca, and Severine Bousch. and Marcel Ffp. Kim Newton's peers at other companies are Jeffrey Cockfield, Amy Dubridge, Ba Janet Reid, Edwige Lemarchand, Daniela Migliavacca, and Severine Bousch. and Marcel Ffp.