Kim Eales

Kim Eales Email and Phone Number

Marketing Manager @

Kim Eales's Current Company Details


Marketing Manager
Real Estate
I am the marketing manager at, which is a specialist job board for estate agent job vacancies, run by property professionals. I have a broad range of digital marketing skills and I am passionate about the property sector. Feel free to contact/add me -

Kim Eales Work Experience

    Marketing Manager
    Estateagentcareers.Com Jul 14 - Present · 10 yrs 7 mos advertises a range of estate/letting agent vacancies throughout the UK, such as lettings/sales negotiator jobs, through to branch manager roles. I am involved in the initial contact with employers/recruiters and overseeing the digital marketing processes.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kim Eales

What company does Kim Eales work for?

Kim Eales works for

What is Kim Eales's role in his/her workplace?

Kim Eales's role in his/her workplace is Marketing Manager.

Which industry does Kim Eales work in currently?

Kim Eales works in the industry Real Estate.

Who are Kim Eales's colleagues?

Kim Eales's colleagues are

Who are Kim Eales's peers at other companies?

Kim Eales's peers at other companies are Sandy Mueller, Jenessa Reutov, Giuliano Di Giuseppe, Sven Dahlmeyer, Albany Vine, and Paul Holmes. and Tiffany Barrett. Kim Eales's peers at other companies are Sandy Mueller, Jenessa Reutov, Giuliano Di Giuseppe, Sven Dahlmeyer, Albany Vine, and Paul Holmes. and Tiffany Barrett.