Kevin Jardine

Kevin Jardine Email and Phone Number

Senior Web Developer @ Latakoo
austin, texas, united states

Kevin Jardine's Contact Information

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Kevin Jardine's Current Company Details


Senior Web Developer
austin, texas, united states
I create highly interactive websites and backend reporting systems using JavaScript and several server-side languages for a large variety of institutions, NGOs and professional organisations.I also visualize large scientific datasets using VTK, Blender and Imagemagick.Specialties: JavaScript, SQL, Node.js, MongoDB, PHP, .NET, Python, mobile device development, web video,VTK, social networking, Drupal, Elgg

Kevin Jardine Work Experience

    New Media Campaigner
    Greenpeace 2000 - 2006 · 6 yrs
    Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    Provided advice and support on campaign tactics and technology to national and regional offices. Created a Webby-award-winning international campaign site in Python including e-cards, online actions, personal profiles and a discussion forum. Managed the discussion forum and a mailing list of 200 thousand environmental activists from over 200 countries and territories.
    Climate Impacts Campaigner
    Greenpeace 1999 - 2000 · 1 yr
    Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    Monitored science on climate change impacts, including issues such as polar and glacial impacts, coral bleaching and extreme weather events. Worked with scientists to publicize relevant research.
    Climate And Energy Campaigner
    Greenpeace 1990 - 1999 · 9 yrs
    Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    Did media, public education and political work in the lead up to and the aftermath of the Kyoto protocol. Helped to initiate the campaign against BP's Northstar Arctic oil development in the Beaufort Sea.
    Software development with a focus on JavaScript-rich niche social networks, mobile phone development and web video.
    Senior Web Developer
    Latakoo May 14 - Present · 10 yrs 8 mos
    Austin, Texas, United States
    latakoo enables speedy transfer of video and other big files over the Internet with a one-click compression app for Mac, Windows, and iOS. A simple web interface allows users to manage and share content. Video files move at high speed and arrive at high quality. Enterprise solutions include collaboration groups, access controls, infrastructure intergrations, and private video sharing.

Kevin Jardine Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kevin Jardine

What company does Kevin Jardine work for?

Kevin Jardine works for Latakoo

What is Kevin Jardine's role in his/her workplace?

Kevin Jardine's role in his/her workplace is Senior Web Developer.

Which industry does Kevin Jardine work in currently?

Kevin Jardine works in the industry Internet.

What is Kevin Jardine's email address?

Kevin Jardine's email address is

What schools did Kevin Jardine attend?

Kevin Jardine attended University Of Waterloo.

What are some of Kevin Jardine's interests?

Kevin Jardine has interests in Functional Programming, Functional Programming. Astronomy, Astronomy. Tiling Theory, Tiling Theory. and Medieval History.

What is Kevin Jardine's role in his workplace?

Kevin Jardine has skills like Php, Social Networking, Software Development, Ngos, Javascript, Environmental Awareness, Environmental Issues, Python, New Media, Sql, Agile Methodologies, Social Media, Node.js, Mongodb, React.js, and Vtk.

Who are Kevin Jardine's colleagues?

Kevin Jardine's colleagues are Paula Hawkins, Paula Hawkins, Kristen Mallory, Kristen Mallory, Ivo Guilini, Ivo Guilini, Minerva Lozoya, Minerva Lozoya, Jacob Wibe, Jacob Wibe, and Richard Metzler. and Adrian Lambert.

Who are Kevin Jardine's peers at other companies?

Kevin Jardine's peers at other companies are Vishweshwar Deo, Marcin Pospiech, Damon Cheng, Stéphanie Batbare, Ryan Hiatt, and Shivam Dixit. and Ilya Chesnokov. Kevin Jardine's peers at other companies are Vishweshwar Deo, Marcin Pospiech, Damon Cheng, Stéphanie Batbare, Ryan Hiatt, and Shivam Dixit. and Ilya Chesnokov.