Keri Maguire

Keri Maguire Email and Phone Number

united kingdom

Keri Maguire's Current Company Details

The Chartered Institute Of Procurement & Supply

Corporate Programme Lead
united kingdom
Professional Training & Coaching

Keri Maguire Work Experience

Keri Maguire Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Keri Maguire

What company does Keri Maguire work for?

Keri Maguire works for The Chartered Institute Of Procurement & Supply

What is Keri Maguire's role in his/her workplace?

Keri Maguire's role in his/her workplace is Corporate Programme Lead.

Which industry does Keri Maguire work in currently?

Keri Maguire works in the industry Professional Training & Coaching.

What schools did Keri Maguire attend?

Keri Maguire attended Cips - The Chartered Institute Of Procurement & Supply.

Who are Keri Maguire's colleagues?

Keri Maguire's colleagues are Amanda Fiod, Amanda Fiod, Renevil Navarro, Renevil Navarro, Alice Kelly, Alice Kelly, Lynne Jones, Lynne Jones, Stefan Keymer, Stefan Keymer, and Bryony Bean. and Paolo Zaza.

Who are Keri Maguire's peers at other companies?

Keri Maguire's peers at other companies are Prescillia Boistay, Elisabeth Höpner, Brynna Bostic, Natalie Simon, Zbyšek Podhrázský, and Christina Miralla. and Kara Hicks. Keri Maguire's peers at other companies are Prescillia Boistay, Elisabeth Höpner, Brynna Bostic, Natalie Simon, Zbyšek Podhrázský, and Christina Miralla. and Kara Hicks.