Ken Phillips

Ken Phillips Email and Phone Number

cleveland, ohio, united states

Ken Phillips's Contact Information

Ken Phillips personal email

Ken Phillips phone numbers

Ken Phillips's Current Company Details

1St Choice Roofing Company

cleveland, ohio, united states
Experienced President with a demonstrated history of working in the construction industry. Skilled in Roofs, Construction, Restoration, Roofers, and Carpentry. Strong business development professional graduated from St. Petersburg College.

Ken Phillips Work Experience

Ken Phillips Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ken Phillips

What company does Ken Phillips work for?

Ken Phillips works for 1st Choice Roofing Company

What is Ken Phillips's role in his/her workplace?

Ken Phillips's role in his/her workplace is President.

Which industry does Ken Phillips work in currently?

Ken Phillips works in the industry Construction.

What is Ken Phillips's email address?

Ken Phillips's email address is

What is Ken Phillips's direct phone number?

Ken Phillips's direct phone number is +17278477663

What schools did Ken Phillips attend?

Ken Phillips attended Southern Regional High School, Southern Regional High School. and St. Petersburg College.

What is Ken Phillips's role in his workplace?

Ken Phillips has skills like Roofers, Tiles, Construction, Green Building, Roofs, Contractors, Residential Homes, Construction Management, Siding, Restoration, Carpentry, Custom Homes, and Renovation.

Who are Ken Phillips's colleagues?

Ken Phillips's colleagues are

Who are Ken Phillips's peers at other companies?

Ken Phillips's peers at other companies are Jacob Cobb, Michael Belley, Steven Ide, Serafim Angelis, Manu Srivastava, and Joost Huijgen. and Anna Parjaszewska. Ken Phillips's peers at other companies are Jacob Cobb, Michael Belley, Steven Ide, Serafim Angelis, Manu Srivastava, and Joost Huijgen. and Anna Parjaszewska.