Kelsy Fluke

Kelsy Fluke Email and Phone Number

Head Preschool Teacher @ Children's Campus At Sf State

Kelsy Fluke's Current Company Details

Children'S Campus At Sf State

Head Preschool Teacher
I received my BA Degree in Child and Adolescent Development with a concentration in Early Childhood in December 2018. I graduated from San Francisco State University in May 2019, along with a Minor in Dance. I have taught dance and fitness classes at various schools in the Bay Area. I have also worked at SFSU's childcare center, Children's Campus, as a volunteer, teaching assistant, and intern, working with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. After graduation, I will be searching for a full-time teaching position in a childcare facility, as well as applying for graduate programs in the field of Special Education.

Kelsy Fluke Work Experience

  • Dance Instructor And Office Staff
    South San Francisco, California, United States
  • Dance Instructor
    Mission Dance & Performing Arts Jan 14 - Aug 16 · 2 yrs 7 mos
    Fremont, California, United States
  • Teaching Assistant
    Children'S Campus At Sfsu Jun 18 - May 19 · 11 mos
  • Head Preschool Teacher
    Children'S Campus At Sf State Jun 19 - Present · 5 yrs 8 mos

Kelsy Fluke Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kelsy Fluke

What company does Kelsy Fluke work for?

Kelsy Fluke works for Children's Campus At Sf State

What is Kelsy Fluke's role in his/her workplace?

Kelsy Fluke's role in his/her workplace is Head Preschool Teacher.

What schools did Kelsy Fluke attend?

Kelsy Fluke attended Irvington High School, Irvington High School. Ohlone College, Ohlone College. and San Francisco State University.

What is Kelsy Fluke's role in his/her workplace?

Kelsy Fluke has skills like Microsoft, Teaching, Dancing, Customer Service, and Office Management.