Kayleigh Park

Kayleigh Park Email and Phone Number

Talent Acquisition Coordinator @ Kainos
belfast, belfast, united kingdom

Kayleigh Park's Contact Details

Kayleigh Park work email

Kayleigh Park personal email


Kayleigh Park phone numbers

Kayleigh Park's Current Company Details



Talent Acquisition Coordinator
belfast, belfast, united kingdom
Information Technology And Services
Part of the recruitment team for the Belfast office.

Kayleigh Park Work Experience

  • kainos.com
    Business Support Associate - Commercial
    Kainos ['2023-03-01', '2023-04-01']
    Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom
  • kainos.com
    Recruitment Coordinator
    Ey ['2016-03-01', '2019-01-01']
    London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Kayleigh Park Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kayleigh Park

What company does Kayleigh Park work for?

Kayleigh Park works for Kainos

What is Kayleigh Park's role in his/her workplace?

Kayleigh Park's role in his/her workplace is Talent Acquisition Coordinator.

Which industry does Kayleigh Park work in currently?

Kayleigh Park works in the industry Information Technology And Services.

What is Kayleigh Park's email address?

Kayleigh Park's email address is k.park@kainos.com

What is Kayleigh Park's direct phone number?

Kayleigh Park's direct phone number is +447858133376

What schools did Kayleigh Park attend?

Kayleigh Park attended Bangor University.

Who are Kayleigh Park's colleagues?

Kayleigh Park's colleagues are Michael Daid, Michael Daid, James Toal, James Toal, Aaron Gordon, Aaron Gordon, Asad Arif, Asad Arif, Sandy Mckelvie, Sandy Mckelvie, and Martin Fox. and Guy Jayes.

Who are Kayleigh Park's peers at other companies?

Kayleigh Park's peers at other companies are Björkvall Yngve, Joanne Chung, Anwar Yusuf, Snehal Patil, Dinesh Nt, and Olivia Hutt. and Sandro Shoji. Kayleigh Park's peers at other companies are Björkvall Yngve, Joanne Chung, Anwar Yusuf, Snehal Patil, Dinesh Nt, and Olivia Hutt. and Sandro Shoji.