Katrine Grothe

Katrine Grothe Email and Phone Number

Project Coordinator And Facilitator At Yourotrip And Verdensklasse @ Actionaid Denmark

Katrine Grothe's Current Company Details


Actionaid Denmark

Project Coordinator And Facilitator At Yourotrip And Verdensklasse
Civic & Social Organization

Katrine Grothe Work Experience

Katrine Grothe Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Katrine Grothe

What company does Katrine Grothe work for?

Katrine Grothe works for Actionaid Denmark

What is Katrine Grothe's role in his/her workplace?

Katrine Grothe's role in his/her workplace is Project Coordinator And Facilitator At Yourotrip And Verdensklasse.

Which industry does Katrine Grothe work in currently?

Katrine Grothe works in the industry Civic & Social Organization.

What schools did Katrine Grothe attend?

Katrine Grothe attended Københavns Universitet - University Of Copenhagen, Københavns Universitet - University Of Copenhagen. and Københavns Universitet - University Of Copenhagen.

What is Katrine Grothe's role in his workplace?

Katrine Grothe has skills like Non Governmental Organizations, Leadership, Development Studies, and Volunteer Management.

Who are Katrine Grothe's colleagues?

Katrine Grothe's colleagues are Eigil Johannisson, Eigil Johannisson, Tania Ismail, Tania Ismail, Giuseppina Radaelli, Giuseppina Radaelli, Julie Madsen, Julie Madsen, Frederik Krups, Frederik Krups, and William Vest-Lillesøe. and Mille-Louise Pedersen.

Who are Katrine Grothe's peers at other companies?

Katrine Grothe's peers at other companies are Alex Cooper, Annika Lohff, Corina Kwami, Lone Larsen, Cindy Gage, and Nalinaksha Singh. and Victoria Furió. Katrine Grothe's peers at other companies are Alex Cooper, Annika Lohff, Corina Kwami, Lone Larsen, Cindy Gage, and Nalinaksha Singh. and Victoria Furió.