Katrin Frick

Katrin Frick Email and Phone Number

Personalentwicklung @ Vr Bank Hessenland Eg
kirchhain, hessen, germany

Katrin Frick's Contact Details

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Katrin Frick's Current Company Details


Vr Bank Hessenland Eg

kirchhain, hessen, germany
Financial Services

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Frequently Asked Questions about Katrin Frick

What company does Katrin Frick work for?

Katrin Frick works for Vr Bank Hessenland Eg

What is Katrin Frick's role in his/her workplace?

Katrin Frick's role in his/her workplace is Personalentwicklung.

Which industry does Katrin Frick work in currently?

Katrin Frick works in the industry Financial Services.

What is Katrin Frick's email address?

Katrin Frick's email address is katrin.frick@vrbank-hessenland.de

Who are Katrin Frick's colleagues?

Katrin Frick's colleagues are Lukas Betlach, Lukas Betlach, Stefan Glotze, Stefan Glotze, Robin Schrimpf, Robin Schrimpf, Helmut Euler, Helmut Euler, Harald Becker, Harald Becker, and Simone Dörsam. and Cherry Dingel.

Who are Katrin Frick's peers at other companies?

Katrin Frick's peers at other companies are Yousuf Mohmmed, Sylvain Quere, Robbie Norton, Shailaja Narvekar, Guy Myers, and Luis Enriquez. and Perceffenessee Cantey. Katrin Frick's peers at other companies are Yousuf Mohmmed, Sylvain Quere, Robbie Norton, Shailaja Narvekar, Guy Myers, and Luis Enriquez. and Perceffenessee Cantey.