Katherine Mescco

Katherine Mescco Email and Phone Number

Teleoperadora @ Digitex
salvador, bahia, brazil

Katherine Mescco's Contact Information

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Katherine Mescco's Current Company Details



salvador, bahia, brazil

Katherine Mescco Work Experience

  • grupodigitex.com
    Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

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Frequently Asked Questions about Katherine Mescco

What company does Katherine Mescco work for?

Katherine Mescco works for Digitex

What is Katherine Mescco's role in his/her workplace?

Katherine Mescco's role in his/her workplace is Teleoperadora.

Which industry does Katherine Mescco work in currently?

Katherine Mescco works in the industry Outsourcing/Offshoring.

What is Katherine Mescco's email address?

Katherine Mescco's email address is katherine.mescco@grupodigitex.com

Who are Katherine Mescco's colleagues?

Katherine Mescco's colleagues are Julieth Sierra, Julieth Sierra, Mely Duque, Mely Duque, Fco Suárez, Fco Suárez, Joselyn Rodas, Joselyn Rodas, Giovanni Monsalve, Giovanni Monsalve, and Lola Lloreda. and Marcelo Arias.

Who are Katherine Mescco's peers at other companies?

Katherine Mescco's peers at other companies are Salahedine Mehdi, Omar Mewborn, Victor Silveira, Marek Bronder, Nagaraj Biradar, and Nitish Kapur. and Imani Thomas. Katherine Mescco's peers at other companies are Salahedine Mehdi, Omar Mewborn, Victor Silveira, Marek Bronder, Nagaraj Biradar, and Nitish Kapur. and Imani Thomas.