Karwan Khalid

Karwan Khalid Email and Phone Number

Assistant Lecturer @ Salahaddin University-erbil
irbil, arbil, iraq

Karwan Khalid's Current Company Details


Salahaddin University-Erbil

Assistant Lecturer
irbil, arbil, iraq
Higher Education

Karwan Khalid Work Experience

  • su.edu.krd
    Assistant Lecturer
  • su.edu.krd
    Group of companies work in Trade and Construction
  • su.edu.krd
    Assistant Lecturer
    Salahaddin University-Erbil Jan 13 - Present · 12 yrs 1 mo
    Irbil, Arbil, Iraq
    Founded in 1968, SUE is the oldest and largest public comprehensive university in Kurdistan region of Iraq. The University was transferred to the city of Erbil, locally known as Hawler, in 1981 after its establishment in the city of Sulaymania. Initially, the university included seven colleges: Science, Agriculture, Engineering, Administration, Arts, Education, and Medicine. In 1985, the college of Law and Politics was added. Several more were established in the following years so that by 2004, the university offered courses in 12 colleges.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Karwan Khalid

What company does Karwan Khalid work for?

Karwan Khalid works for Salahaddin University-Erbil

What is Karwan Khalid's role in his/her workplace?

Karwan Khalid's role in his/her workplace is Assistant Lecturer.

Which industry does Karwan Khalid work in currently?

Karwan Khalid works in the industry Higher Education.

Who are Karwan Khalid's colleagues?

Karwan Khalid's colleagues are Sarwar Hama, Sarwar Hama, Narin Ali, Narin Ali, Rebaz Sexany, Rebaz Sexany, Leyla Hemid, Leyla Hemid, Khozaija Ali, Khozaija Ali, and Farhang Frank. and Shang Al Saleem.

Who are Karwan Khalid's peers at other companies?

Karwan Khalid's peers at other companies are Darcie Reid, Scott Rubin, Todd Sproull, Christopher Ha, Paige Chan, and Jacob Mays. and Licsw Ashleigh Hala. Karwan Khalid's peers at other companies are Darcie Reid, Scott Rubin, Todd Sproull, Christopher Ha, Paige Chan, and Jacob Mays. and Licsw Ashleigh Hala.