Kartika Mohapatra

Kartika Mohapatra Email and Phone Number

rowville, victoria, australia

Kartika Mohapatra's Current Company Details


Gtet (Green Thermal Energy Technologies)

Centre Head
rowville, victoria, australia
Renewables & Environment

Kartika Mohapatra Work Experience

Kartika Mohapatra Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kartika Mohapatra

What company does Kartika Mohapatra work for?

Kartika Mohapatra works for Gtet (Green Thermal Energy Technologies)

What is Kartika Mohapatra's role in his/her workplace?

Kartika Mohapatra's role in his/her workplace is Centre Head.

Which industry does Kartika Mohapatra work in currently?

Kartika Mohapatra works in the industry Renewables & Environment.

What schools did Kartika Mohapatra attend?

Kartika Mohapatra attended Fm University.

What are some of Kartika Mohapatra's interests?

Kartika Mohapatra has interests in Chess And Cricket, Chess And Cricket. Taking Risk, Taking Risk. Playing Taekwondo, Playing Taekwondo. Listening Songs, Listening Songs. Watching Tv, Watching Tv. Moving New Places, Moving New Places. Songs And Stories, Songs And Stories. and Writing Poem.

Who are Kartika Mohapatra's colleagues?

Kartika Mohapatra's colleagues are and Gyan Chiluveru. and Simon Hill.

Who are Kartika Mohapatra's peers at other companies?

Kartika Mohapatra's peers at other companies are Florian Zitzelsberger, Sanna Markkanen, Jeff Rouser, Fabien Girard, Hani Geeso, and Guillaume Roy. and Rafael Kotyrba. Kartika Mohapatra's peers at other companies are Florian Zitzelsberger, Sanna Markkanen, Jeff Rouser, Fabien Girard, Hani Geeso, and Guillaume Roy. and Rafael Kotyrba.