Karine Campos

Karine Campos Email and Phone Number

Brocanteur @ Parisbroc.com

Karine Campos's Current Company Details



Karine Campos Work Experience

  • Brocanteur
    Parisbroc.Com Oct 14 - Present · 10 yrs 4 mos

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Frequently Asked Questions about Karine Campos

What company does Karine Campos work for?

Karine Campos works for Parisbroc.com

What is Karine Campos's role in his/her workplace?

Karine Campos's role in his/her workplace is Brocanteur.

What are some of Karine Campos's interests?

Karine Campos has interests in Social Services, Social Services. Civil Rights And Social Action, Civil Rights And Social Action. Environment, Environment. Poverty Alleviation, Poverty Alleviation. Disaster And Humanitarian Relief, Disaster And Humanitarian Relief. Human Rights, Human Rights. Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare. and Arts And Culture.