Karen Venegas

Karen Venegas Email and Phone Number

Office Assistant @ Parrilli Renison
portland, oregon, united states

Karen Venegas's Contact Details

Karen Venegas personal email


Karen Venegas's Current Company Details


Parrilli Renison

Office Assistant
portland, oregon, united states
Legal Services
Office Assistant at Parrilli Renison

Karen Venegas Work Experience

  • entrylaw.com
    Office Assistant
    Portland, Oregon, United States
    Our law firm provides unparalleled immigration legal services into the United States, and through our global alliance we deliver immigration mobility solutions worldwide. Our First Tier ranking in immigration law by U.S. News & World Report Best Lawyers places us at the top of the field among just 21 other firms nationwide. London-based Chambers and Partners awarded their top ranking to our team as a leading firm, "This firm is of national caliber and is spectacular in terms of both its client service and the quality of work produced."

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Frequently Asked Questions about Karen Venegas

What company does Karen Venegas work for?

Karen Venegas works for Parrilli Renison

What is Karen Venegas's role in his/her workplace?

Karen Venegas's role in his/her workplace is Office Assistant.

Which industry does Karen Venegas work in currently?

Karen Venegas works in the industry Legal Services.

What is Karen Venegas's email address?

Karen Venegas's email address is karen.venegas@entrylaw.com

Who are Karen Venegas's colleagues?

Karen Venegas's colleagues are

Who are Karen Venegas's peers at other companies?

Karen Venegas's peers at other companies are Paul Floto, Elina Perrier, Farzad Zare, Lilliana Perez, Juliane Pluntke, and Ng Hweelon. and Fernando Lacerda. Karen Venegas's peers at other companies are Paul Floto, Elina Perrier, Farzad Zare, Lilliana Perez, Juliane Pluntke, and Ng Hweelon. and Fernando Lacerda.