Karen Hale

Karen Hale Email and Phone Number

Clerical Officer @ Health Service Executive
dublin, dublin, ireland

Karen Hale's Current Company Details


Health Service Executive

Clerical Officer
dublin, dublin, ireland
Hospital & Health Care

Karen Hale Work Experience

  • hse.ie
    Clerical Officer
    Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
    The Health Service Executive (HSE) provides health and personal social services for everyone living in Ireland, with public funds.The HSE manages services through a structure designed to put patients and clients at the centre of the organisation. It is Ireland's largest employer with over 100,000 staff.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Karen Hale

What company does Karen Hale work for?

Karen Hale works for Health Service Executive

What is Karen Hale's role in his/her workplace?

Karen Hale's role in his/her workplace is Clerical Officer.

Which industry does Karen Hale work in currently?

Karen Hale works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

Who are Karen Hale's colleagues?

Karen Hale's colleagues are Nazim Shaikh, Nazim Shaikh, Ber Deegan, Ber Deegan, Conall Deasmhunaigh, Conall Deasmhunaigh, Santosh Great, Santosh Great, Con Mcdonagh, Con Mcdonagh, and Leanne Sheridan. and Eilish Twohig.

Who are Karen Hale's peers at other companies?

Karen Hale's peers at other companies are Tia Correia, Dave Brault, Soye Bekeangama, Erick Funte, Ashley Schamberg, and Rosa Perkins. and Roger Snellen. Karen Hale's peers at other companies are Tia Correia, Dave Brault, Soye Bekeangama, Erick Funte, Ashley Schamberg, and Rosa Perkins. and Roger Snellen.