Karen Hale

Karen Hale Email and Phone Number

Bus Driver @ Alief Isd
united states

Karen Hale's Contact Details

Karen Hale work email

Karen Hale personal email


Karen Hale's Current Company Details


Alief Isd

Bus Driver
united states
Primary/secondary Education

Karen Hale Work Experience

  • aliefisd.net
    Bus Driver
    Alief Isd Dec 96 - Present · 28 yrs 2 mos
    United States
    Alief Independent School District located in southwest Houston encompasses 36.6 square miles. The district endeavors to provide an exemplary education for students in prekindergarten through grade twelve. Having 45,000 student enrollment Alief ISD is the most ethnically diverse where over 70% of student population are identified as economically disadvantaged.

Karen Hale Education

  • aliefisd.net
    Alie Elsik High School
    1976 - 1979

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Frequently Asked Questions about Karen Hale

What company does Karen Hale work for?

Karen Hale works for Alief Isd

What is Karen Hale's role in his/her workplace?

Karen Hale's role in his/her workplace is Bus Driver.

Which industry does Karen Hale work in currently?

Karen Hale works in the industry Primary/Secondary Education.

What is Karen Hale's email address?

Karen Hale's email address is aprildiamonds60@sbcglobal.net

What schools did Karen Hale attend?

Karen Hale attended Alie Elsik High School.

Who are Karen Hale's colleagues?

Karen Hale's colleagues are Melissa Hamilton, Melissa Hamilton, Aubrey Minor-Byrd, Aubrey Minor-Byrd, Lashay Earls, Lashay Earls, Deann Rompf, Deann Rompf, Emilia Conde, Emilia Conde, and Michael Leerssen. and Avalyn Montgomery.

Who are Karen Hale's peers at other companies?

Karen Hale's peers at other companies are Polly Alfonso, María Lorenzo, Ryun Miskus, Yolynda Cooley, Yolanda Herrera, and Peter Milovanovic. and Anna Tcms. Karen Hale's peers at other companies are Polly Alfonso, María Lorenzo, Ryun Miskus, Yolynda Cooley, Yolanda Herrera, and Peter Milovanovic. and Anna Tcms.