Karen Glover

Karen Glover Email and Phone Number

canberra, act, australia

Karen Glover's Contact Details

Karen Glover work email

Karen Glover personal email


Karen Glover's Current Company Details


Australian Department Of Health

Project Manager
canberra, act, australia
Government Administration
Seconded to the Vaccine Taskforce Experienced Management Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the government administration industry. Skilled in Customer Service, Business Process Improvement, System Administration, Active Directory, and Troubleshooting. Strong operations professional with a Advanced Diploma of Information Technology (Business Analysis) focused in Business Analysis from TAFE.

Karen Glover Work Experience

Karen Glover Education

  • health.gov.au
    Woolooware High School
    1975 - 1978
  • health.gov.au
    Woolooware Public School
    1968 - 1974
  • health.gov.au
    Gymea Technical College
    1979 - 1979
  • health.gov.au
    Business 2014 - 2015

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Frequently Asked Questions about Karen Glover

What company does Karen Glover work for?

Karen Glover works for Australian Department Of Health

What is Karen Glover's role in his/her workplace?

Karen Glover's role in his/her workplace is Project Manager.

Which industry does Karen Glover work in currently?

Karen Glover works in the industry Government Administration.

What is Karen Glover's email address?

Karen Glover's email address is karen.glover@humanservices.gov.au

What schools did Karen Glover attend?

Karen Glover attended Woolooware High School, Woolooware High School. Woolooware Public School, Woolooware Public School. Gymea Technical College, Gymea Technical College. and Tafe Nsw.

What is Karen Glover's role in his/her workplace?

Karen Glover has skills like System Administration, Administrative Assistants, Active Directory, Software Documentation, Customer Service, Process Improvement, Troubleshooting, and Management.

Who are Karen Glover's colleagues?

Karen Glover's colleagues are Gemma Poole, Gemma Poole, Simon Titmuss, Simon Titmuss, Ikram Khan, Ikram Khan, Leah Dmello, Leah Dmello, Karen Binnekamp, Karen Binnekamp, and Jared Streatfeild. and Baljit Talwar.

Who are Karen Glover's peers at other companies?

Karen Glover's peers at other companies are Ralph Obert, Dick Banowetz, Elena Bernia, Letizia Lacava, Gilles Garrouste, and Lydia Sparla. and Charles Taylor. Karen Glover's peers at other companies are Ralph Obert, Dick Banowetz, Elena Bernia, Letizia Lacava, Gilles Garrouste, and Lydia Sparla. and Charles Taylor.