Julie Bowman

Julie Bowman Email and Phone Number

Recruiting And Staffing Operations Manager @ Kldiscovery
mclean, virginia, united states

Julie Bowman's Current Company Details



Recruiting And Staffing Operations Manager
mclean, virginia, united states
Information Technology And Services
Professional with several years of experience in administrative management, Customer Service and Recruiting. Adept at building relationships both with customers and within the company. Passion for continuous improvement and an expert in time management to ensure client satisfaction. Strong organizational skills that enable the optimum functioning of any department or situation.

Julie Bowman Work Experience

  • kldiscovery.com
    Recruiting And Staffing Operations Manager
    Kldiscovery ['2021-08-01', 'Present']
    Mclean, Virginia, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Julie Bowman

What company does Julie Bowman work for?

Julie Bowman works for Kldiscovery

What is Julie Bowman's role in his/her workplace?

Julie Bowman's role in his/her workplace is Recruiting And Staffing Operations Manager.

Which industry does Julie Bowman work in currently?

Julie Bowman works in the industry Information Technology And Services.

What is Julie Bowman's email address?

Julie Bowman's email address is bowjtkg@live.com

What is Julie Bowman's direct phone number?

Julie Bowman's direct phone number is +13145837179

Who are Julie Bowman's colleagues?

Julie Bowman's colleagues are Christina Pansch, Christina Pansch, Tim Fury, Tim Fury, Eric Klimpke, Eric Klimpke, James Farnell, James Farnell, Roger Smith, Roger Smith, and Joanna Sandler. and Linlin Tian.

Who are Julie Bowman's peers at other companies?

Julie Bowman's peers at other companies are Vamsi Malapati, Fco García, Nancy Mark, Dominic Lucas, Amit Panwar, and Jan-Justin Van Tonder. and Eduardo Esparza. Julie Bowman's peers at other companies are Vamsi Malapati, Fco García, Nancy Mark, Dominic Lucas, Amit Panwar, and Jan-Justin Van Tonder. and Eduardo Esparza.