Juliana Anselmo

Juliana Anselmo Email and Phone Number


Juliana Anselmo's Current Company Details


Irmãos Muffato E Cia Ltda.


Juliana Anselmo Work Experience

Juliana Anselmo Education

  • muffato.com.br
    Faculdade Catuai

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Frequently Asked Questions about Juliana Anselmo

What company does Juliana Anselmo work for?

Juliana Anselmo works for Irmãos Muffato E Cia Ltda.

Which industry does Juliana Anselmo work in currently?

Juliana Anselmo works in the industry Supermarkets.

What schools did Juliana Anselmo attend?

Juliana Anselmo attended Faculdade Catuai.

Who are Juliana Anselmo's colleagues?

Juliana Anselmo's colleagues are Carlos De Almeida, Carlos De Almeida, Ingrid Luana, Ingrid Luana, Daiane Gois, Daiane Gois, Luiz Oliveira, Luiz Oliveira, Misael Alencar, Misael Alencar, and Renan De Lima Possamai. and Geovane Silva.

Who are Juliana Anselmo's peers at other companies?

Juliana Anselmo's peers at other companies are Shirley Dextre, Ronald Cardoso, Edith Solomon, Carol Silva, Kaliyah Lousteau, and Betty Henh. and José García. Juliana Anselmo's peers at other companies are Shirley Dextre, Ronald Cardoso, Edith Solomon, Carol Silva, Kaliyah Lousteau, and Betty Henh. and José García.