Jubril Oguja

Jubril Oguja Email and Phone Number

Developer @ Lloyds Banking Group
london, greater london, united kingdom

Jubril Oguja's Contact Information

Jubril Oguja work email

Jubril Oguja personal email


Jubril Oguja's Current Company Details


Lloyds Banking Group

london, greater london, united kingdom
Financial Services

Jubril Oguja Work Experience

  • lloydsbankinggroup.com
    United Kingdom
    Our vision is to make Lloyds Banking Group the best bank for customers. As the UK's largest retail and commercial bank, we have a footprint that touches nearly every community and household in the UK. That gives us a big responsibility to support the UK economy, and to put customers at the heart of everything we do. To achieve this, we also need to be the best bank for our colleagues and our communities – and we have a clear strategy in place to make this a reality. We are building on our many strengths: iconic brands, strong heritages and great people. To unlock the great potential in our business, we are becoming more efficient, more transparent, and more responsive to customers. Already the UK's largest community investor, we are giving even more back and have made a number of commitments to help Britain prosper. Above all, we are putting customers first.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jubril Oguja

What company does Jubril Oguja work for?

Jubril Oguja works for Lloyds Banking Group

What is Jubril Oguja's role in his/her workplace?

Jubril Oguja's role in his/her workplace is Developer.

Which industry does Jubril Oguja work in currently?

Jubril Oguja works in the industry Financial Services.

What is Jubril Oguja's email address?

Jubril Oguja's email address is jubril.oguja@lloydsbank.com

Who are Jubril Oguja's colleagues?

Jubril Oguja's colleagues are Stewart Mitchell, Stewart Mitchell, Stephen Brand, Stephen Brand, Natalie Bailey, Natalie Bailey, Manazir Ahsan, Manazir Ahsan, Andy Schrader, Andy Schrader, and Julie Carter. and Mark Walton.

Who are Jubril Oguja's peers at other companies?

Jubril Oguja's peers at other companies are Emiel Davis, Muriella Felton, Shelley Osborn, Challa Prasad, Keysha Walker, and Manish Chhabria. and Xolani Zondi. Jubril Oguja's peers at other companies are Emiel Davis, Muriella Felton, Shelley Osborn, Challa Prasad, Keysha Walker, and Manish Chhabria. and Xolani Zondi.