Joseph Arevalo

Joseph Arevalo Email and Phone Number

Appraiser @ City Of Holland
holland, michigan, united states

Joseph Arevalo's Contact Details

Joseph Arevalo work email

Joseph Arevalo personal email


Joseph Arevalo phone numbers

Joseph Arevalo's Current Company Details

City Of Holland

holland, michigan, united states
Government Administration

Joseph Arevalo Work Experience

    Property Field Data Collector
    Grand Rapids Charter Township Jun 12 - Aug 12 · 2 mos
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    Mailed questionnaires to properties planned to be reappraised. Sorted returned mailings. Selected properties to be appraised each day. Drove to properties with a partner. Reviewed questionnaire with residents to gather information about the interior of the home. Used measuring tape to obtain exterior dimensions. Simultaneously conducted visual inspection of exterior features. Took pictures with digital camera clearly showing all sides and features of the home.
    Policy Intern
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    Track current environmental legislation at the local, state, and national levels. Advocate for environmentally friendly policies by creating ways for concerned citizens to take action, such as drafting letters to be sent to senators or sending emails to generate awareness about events.
    Distribution Center Freight Hauler
    Steelcase Jun 11 - Aug 11 · 2 mos
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    Inspected, unloaded, sorted, and hauled freight to its proper warehouse location to await shipping.
    Building Services Crew Leader
    Calvin College Oct 10 - May 12 · 1 yr 7 mos
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    Performed various weekly jobs to clean and maintain the Spoelhof Center as directed by supervisor. Additional responsibilities as Crew Leader included locking doors for the night and training new crew members how to perform weekly jobs.
    Work Study Elementary School Reading Tutor
    Calvin College Mar 10 - May 10 · 2 mos
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    Read books and performed practice activities and games with students of varying skill level at Campau Park School. Assisted students with the pronunciation and meaning of words as they read. Afterwards, guided reflection and comprehension of reading.
    Event Tear Down Crew
    Calvin College Oct 09 - Dec 09 · 2 mos
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    After events in arena the tear down crew picked up trash, mopped the floors, and vacuumed. Once clean, the upper level bleachers were deconstructed and returned to their inactive position. Any equipment used for the event was returned to storage.
    Summer Day Camp Counselor
    The Salvation Army Jun 09 - Aug 09 · 2 mos
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    Same as previous summer with one additional responsibility. The campers were separated into small groups by grade level. Co-counselor and myself were responsible for fourth graders during daily activities separate from the large group and during whole camp field trips.
    City Of Holland Jun 13 - Present · 11 yrs 8 mos
    Holland, Michigan, United States
    Determine the value of real property throughout the City of Holland by performing inspections to maintain accurate and using sales studies to follow the market. Process splits/combinations of property. Maintain the City's GIS. Assign new addresses Complete other mapping assignments. Generally assist and communicate with the public in person or over the phone.
    Gis Lab Technician
    Calvin College Mar 12 - May 12 · 2 mos
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    Assisted students enrolled in GIS classes and acted as a resource for non-GIS students using GIS in other fields of study. Helped with small GIS and cartographic research assignments. Created free online atlas for Ethiopia.
    Weather Station Technician
    Calvin College Sep 12 - May 13 · 8 mos
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    Employed inquiry based teaching methods to mentor students in the use of research methods. Mentored a group of four students to facilitate them designing, conducting, and reporting a study on dune management techniques. Currently compiling study data and conducting deeper analysis to write a report for managers of the dune and create a presentation for a conference.

Joseph Arevalo Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Joseph Arevalo

What company does Joseph Arevalo work for?

Joseph Arevalo works for City Of Holland

What is Joseph Arevalo's role in his/her workplace?

Joseph Arevalo's role in his/her workplace is Appraiser.

Which industry does Joseph Arevalo work in currently?

Joseph Arevalo works in the industry Government Administration.

What is Joseph Arevalo's email address?

Joseph Arevalo's email address is

What is Joseph Arevalo's direct phone number?

Joseph Arevalo's direct phone number is +12622270397

What schools did Joseph Arevalo attend?

Joseph Arevalo attended Calvin University.

What is Joseph Arevalo's role in his/her workplace?

Joseph Arevalo has skills like Microsoft Office, Powerpoint, Teaching, Microsoft Excel, Excel, Word, Photoshop, Arcgis, and Photography.

Who are Joseph Arevalo's colleagues?

Joseph Arevalo's colleagues are Leslie Myrick, Leslie Myrick, Dan Broersma, Dan Broersma, Juliane Ziurinskas, Juliane Ziurinskas, Nathan Perton, Nathan Perton, Devin Goulooze, Devin Goulooze, and Angela Griffore. and Matt Vandyken.

Who are Joseph Arevalo's peers at other companies?

Joseph Arevalo's peers at other companies are Shantie Chikoe, Beatriz Craviotto, Lydia Sparla, Letizia Lacava, Ralph Obert, and Gilles Garrouste. and Belinda Tricker. Joseph Arevalo's peers at other companies are Shantie Chikoe, Beatriz Craviotto, Lydia Sparla, Letizia Lacava, Ralph Obert, and Gilles Garrouste. and Belinda Tricker.