Jose Garcia

Jose Garcia Email and Phone Number

Account Manager @ Thinking Capital
montréal, quebec, canada

Jose Garcia's Current Company Details

Thinking Capital

Account Manager
montréal, quebec, canada
Financial Services

Jose Garcia Work Experience

    Senior Web Specialist And Customer Care
    Level 3 Global Crossing May 07 - Jun 14 · 7 yrs 1 mo
    Account Manager
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jose Garcia

What company does Jose Garcia work for?

Jose Garcia works for Thinking Capital

What is Jose Garcia's role in his/her workplace?

Jose Garcia's role in his/her workplace is Account Manager.

Which industry does Jose Garcia work in currently?

Jose Garcia works in the industry Financial Services.

Who are Jose Garcia's colleagues?

Jose Garcia's colleagues are Peter Stallone, Peter Stallone, Camille Gagné, Camille Gagné, Vinay Shashank, Vinay Shashank, Anthony Gervasi, Anthony Gervasi, Mohamed Azabe, Mohamed Azabe, and Clive Marshall. and Colin Branch.

Who are Jose Garcia's peers at other companies?

Jose Garcia's peers at other companies are Andrea Silvestrin, Reed Dillon, Vasundhara Goel, Justin Hoekman, Ruhi Gulati, and Perseverance Mathebula. and Brad Dossinger. Jose Garcia's peers at other companies are Andrea Silvestrin, Reed Dillon, Vasundhara Goel, Justin Hoekman, Ruhi Gulati, and Perseverance Mathebula. and Brad Dossinger.