Jorge Silva

Jorge Silva Email and Phone Number

Jorge Silva's Current Company Details

Instituto Nacional De Tecnologia E Integração Social - Integra

Civic & Social Organization

Jorge Silva Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jorge Silva

What company does Jorge Silva work for?

Jorge Silva works for Instituto Nacional De Tecnologia E Integração Social - Integra

What is Jorge Silva's role in his/her workplace?

Jorge Silva's role in his/her workplace is Administrativo.

Which industry does Jorge Silva work in currently?

Jorge Silva works in the industry Civic & Social Organization.

Who are Jorge Silva's colleagues?

Jorge Silva's colleagues are and Rogério Yamamoto. and Carolina Uehara.

Who are Jorge Silva's peers at other companies?

Jorge Silva's peers at other companies are Annika Lohff, Corina Kwami, Alex Cooper, Victoria Furió, Tobias Fritzensmeier, and Katrine Grothe. and Nalinaksha Singh. Jorge Silva's peers at other companies are Annika Lohff, Corina Kwami, Alex Cooper, Victoria Furió, Tobias Fritzensmeier, and Katrine Grothe. and Nalinaksha Singh.