Jordan Lien

Jordan Lien Email and Phone Number

Human Resources Manager @ Riverland Energy Co-op
arcadia, wisconsin, united states

Jordan Lien's Contact Information

Jordan Lien personal email


Jordan Lien's Current Company Details

Riverland Energy Co-Op

Human Resources Manager
arcadia, wisconsin, united states
Graduated with my Human Resource Management degree from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. I work for Ashley Distribution Services located in Arcadia, WI as a Senior Human Resource Generalist! I have developed an interest in employee relations and coaching of employees. Other interests I have are playing softball and spending time with my friends and family.

Jordan Lien Work Experience

Jordan Lien Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jordan Lien

What company does Jordan Lien work for?

Jordan Lien works for Riverland Energy Co-Op

What is Jordan Lien's role in his/her workplace?

Jordan Lien's role in his/her workplace is Human Resources Manager.

Which industry does Jordan Lien work in currently?

Jordan Lien works in the industry Utilities.

What is Jordan Lien's email address?

Jordan Lien's email address is

What is Jordan Lien's direct phone number?

Jordan Lien's direct phone number is +16088640490

What schools did Jordan Lien attend?

Jordan Lien attended University Of Wisconsin - La Crosse.

Who are Jordan Lien's colleagues?

Jordan Lien's colleagues are and James Huffman. and Bill Mason.

Who are Jordan Lien's peers at other companies?

Jordan Lien's peers at other companies are Brett Holdsworth, Cornelia Reuter, Maria Bustos, Nitin Kale, Kay Wright, and Nicole Weisheim. and Ash Vekaria. Jordan Lien's peers at other companies are Brett Holdsworth, Cornelia Reuter, Maria Bustos, Nitin Kale, Kay Wright, and Nicole Weisheim. and Ash Vekaria.