Jonathan Callihan

Jonathan Callihan Email and Phone Number

texas, united states

Jonathan Callihan's Contact Details

Jonathan Callihan personal email


Jonathan Callihan phone numbers

Jonathan Callihan's Current Company Details

Lakeview Christian Church

texas, united states
Religious Institutions
Experienced Sales Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the machinery industry. Skilled in Gas, Energy, Power Plants, Sales, and Engineering. Strong sales professional with a Bachelor's degree focused in Business Administration and Management, General from The University of Akron.

Jonathan Callihan Work Experience

    Finance And Insurance Manager
    Dave Walter Inc Feb 02 - May 06 · 4 yrs 3 mos
    Akron, Ohio, United States
    I secured loans and leases from the banks for my customers at a high line auto dealership; while selling after market products for their vehicle purchase. I maintained the highest penetration rate in the Northeast United States
    Lakeview Christian Church Nov 17 - Present · 7 yrs 3 mos
    Texas, United States
    Sales Manager
    Terex Corporation Apr 16 - Nov 17 · 1 yr 7 mos
    Norwalk, Connecticut, United States
    * Terex Corporation is a diversified global manufacturer of a broad range of equipment that is focused on delivering reliable, customer-driven solutions for many applications, including the construction, infrastructure, quarrying, mining, shipping, transportation, refining, energy, utility and manufacturing industries. Terex has five business segments: Aerial Work Platforms * Construction * Cranes * Material Handling & Port Solutions * and Materials Processing. Terex offers financial products and services to assist in the acquisition of equipment through Terex Financial Services.More information can be found at
    Regional Sales Manager
    Control Systems Co. Oct 11 - Apr 16 · 4 yrs 6 mos
    Hudson, Ohio, United States
    I supply the power plants with ignition equipment and oil and gas burning materials. My territory includes: TX,NV,NM,AZ.CO,UT,and KS

Jonathan Callihan Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jonathan Callihan

What company does Jonathan Callihan work for?

Jonathan Callihan works for Lakeview Christian Church

What is Jonathan Callihan's role in his/her workplace?

Jonathan Callihan's role in his/her workplace is Volunteer.

Which industry does Jonathan Callihan work in currently?

Jonathan Callihan works in the industry Religious Institutions.

What is Jonathan Callihan's email address?

Jonathan Callihan's email address is

What is Jonathan Callihan's direct phone number?

Jonathan Callihan's direct phone number is +13307156706