Jon Lowry

Jon Lowry Email and Phone Number

ridgecrest, california, united states

Jon Lowry's Contact Details

Jon Lowry work email

Jon Lowry personal email


Jon Lowry's Current Company Details

Ridgecrest Regional Hospital

ridgecrest, california, united states
Hospital & Health Care

Jon Lowry Work Experience

    Clinical Laboratory Scientist
    Desert Hospital Trauma Ii Center Jun 78 - Sep 88 · 10 yrs 3 mos
    Generalist all clinical laboratory departments. PM and Nights shifts only.
    Clinical Laboratory Scientist
    Hi-Desert Hospital District Feb 89 - 1998 · 8 yrs 11 mos
    * Supervisor Blood Banking * Generalist all Lab departments, limited Bacteriology * mostly PM and Nights as a working environment..
    Clinical Laboratory Scientist
    Ridgecrest Regional Hospital Sep 99 - Jun 05 · 5 yrs 9 mos
    Ridgecrest, California, United States
    * Supervisor Blood Bank * Hematology * Coagulation * Urinalysis and Drug screening.

Jon Lowry Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jon Lowry

What company does Jon Lowry work for?

Jon Lowry works for Ridgecrest Regional Hospital

Which industry does Jon Lowry work in currently?

Jon Lowry works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Jon Lowry's email address?

Jon Lowry's email address is

What schools did Jon Lowry attend?

Jon Lowry attended California State University, L.a, California State University, L.a. Kaiser Permenente School Of Medical Technology, Kaiser Permenente School Of Medical Technology. Fullerton College, Fullerton College. and California State University - Dominguez Hills.

What is Jon Lowry's role in his workplace?

Jon Lowry has skills like Pals, Icu, Data Entry, Blood Bank, Registration, Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry, Coagulation, Serology, Clinical Microbiology, Phlebotomy, and Urinalysis.

Who are Jon Lowry's colleagues?

Jon Lowry's colleagues are Tammy Lilly, Tammy Lilly, Sandy Smith, Sandy Smith, Julie West, Julie West, Phyllis Fernandez, Phyllis Fernandez, Phillip Poth, Phillip Poth, and Margaret Busch. and Holly Maurer.

Who are Jon Lowry's peers at other companies?

Jon Lowry's peers at other companies are Soye Bekeangama, Dave Brault, Ashley Schamberg, Lynnette Dowell, Darren Skinner, and Barry Walsh. and Rosa Perkins. Jon Lowry's peers at other companies are Soye Bekeangama, Dave Brault, Ashley Schamberg, Lynnette Dowell, Darren Skinner, and Barry Walsh. and Rosa Perkins.