John Fox

John Fox Email and Phone Number

buena park, california, united states

John Fox's Contact Information

John Fox personal email


John Fox's Current Company Details

Simpson Automotive Inc

buena park, california, united states

John Fox Work Experience

    Operations Manager
    Kpls Jul 99 - Jul 01 · 2 yrs
    * oversee 10 station talk radio network * provide 24 programming * centralized audio production center for all ten stations * talent contracts * maintain and develop central physical plant and equipment * archive programming for on-demand website
    Lightools Research End date missing
    Internet And Fleet Manager
    Simpson Automotive Inc ['2007-07', '2016-12-09']
    Buena Park, California, United States
    * following six years in same capacity at Rio Rancho Buick Pontiac GMC. Building department * setting up lead management systems * customer relations * overseeing staff of up to four

John Fox Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about John Fox

What company does John Fox work for?

John Fox works for Simpson Automotive Inc

Which industry does John Fox work in currently?

John Fox works in the industry Automotive.

What is John Fox's email address?

John Fox's email address is

What is John Fox's direct phone number?

John Fox's direct phone number is +17606321292

What schools did John Fox attend?

John Fox attended San Diego State University.

What are some of John Fox's interests?

John Fox has interests in Boating, Boating. Cooking, Cooking. Gardening, Gardening. Outdoors, Outdoors. Investing, Investing. Electronics, Electronics. Home Improvement, Home Improvement. Gourmet Cooking, Gourmet Cooking. Sports, Sports. and Home Decoration.

What is John Fox's role in his workplace?

John Fox has skills like

Who are John Fox's colleagues?

John Fox's colleagues are David Simpson, David Simpson, John Fox, John Fox, Eric Jasper, Eric Jasper, Jason Arvidson, Jason Arvidson, Yesenia Antunez, Yesenia Antunez, and Lauren S. and John Simpson.

Who are John Fox's peers at other companies?

John Fox's peers at other companies are Tyler Hines, Pratik Ranaware, Jocelyne Duvoisin, Aravind Raveendran, Resiana Winata, and Yiu Lam. and Karolina Thomm. John Fox's peers at other companies are Tyler Hines, Pratik Ranaware, Jocelyne Duvoisin, Aravind Raveendran, Resiana Winata, and Yiu Lam. and Karolina Thomm.