Johanna Lison

Johanna Lison Email and Phone Number

Business Development Manager @ Bayern Innovativ Gmbh
nuremberg, bayern, germany

Johanna Lison's Contact Details

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Johanna Lison's Current Company Details

Bayern Innovativ Gmbh

Business Development Manager
nuremberg, bayern, germany
Think Tanks

Johanna Lison Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Johanna Lison

What company does Johanna Lison work for?

Johanna Lison works for Bayern Innovativ Gmbh

What is Johanna Lison's role in his/her workplace?

Johanna Lison's role in his/her workplace is Business Development Manager.

Which industry does Johanna Lison work in currently?

Johanna Lison works in the industry Think Tanks.

What is Johanna Lison's email address?

Johanna Lison's email address is

Who are Johanna Lison's colleagues?

Johanna Lison's colleagues are Gisa Gudden, Gisa Gudden, Nadine Lütticke, Nadine Lütticke, Dieter Gerstenberg, Dieter Gerstenberg, Josef Nassauer, Josef Nassauer, David Gordon, David Gordon, and Gerald Heimann. and Monika Wilhelm.

Who are Johanna Lison's peers at other companies?

Johanna Lison's peers at other companies are Eric Outhenin-Chalandre, Arc Reynolds, Deepa Bandekar, Gabriella Sanchez, Zach Bradley, and Katrina Gaffney. and Austine Jobe. Johanna Lison's peers at other companies are Eric Outhenin-Chalandre, Arc Reynolds, Deepa Bandekar, Gabriella Sanchez, Zach Bradley, and Katrina Gaffney. and Austine Jobe.