Joanne Lukowiak

Joanne Lukowiak Email and Phone Number

Oncology Account Manager @ Gsk
hayes, hillingdon, united kingdom

Joanne Lukowiak's Current Company Details


Oncology Account Manager
hayes, hillingdon, united kingdom

Joanne Lukowiak Work Experience

    Oncology Account Manager At Glaxosmithkline
    United Kingdom

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Frequently Asked Questions about Joanne Lukowiak

What company does Joanne Lukowiak work for?

Joanne Lukowiak works for Gsk

What is Joanne Lukowiak's role in his/her workplace?

Joanne Lukowiak's role in his/her workplace is Oncology Account Manager.

Which industry does Joanne Lukowiak work in currently?

Joanne Lukowiak works in the industry Pharmaceuticals.

Who are Joanne Lukowiak's colleagues?

Joanne Lukowiak's colleagues are Bernard Wasyl, Bernard Wasyl, Belén Guijarro, Belén Guijarro, Dawn Rowe, Dawn Rowe, Kimberely Pratt, Kimberely Pratt, Laura Pizent, Laura Pizent, and Rhonda Reid. and Kino Yee.

Who are Joanne Lukowiak's peers at other companies?

Joanne Lukowiak's peers at other companies are Kazuyuki Yamazaki, Raja Sultan, Giota Agrafiotou, Steve Mcfarland, Sharen Chaffin, and Leslie Grosnon. and Anya Vogelsong. Joanne Lukowiak's peers at other companies are Kazuyuki Yamazaki, Raja Sultan, Giota Agrafiotou, Steve Mcfarland, Sharen Chaffin, and Leslie Grosnon. and Anya Vogelsong.