Joanna Mccray

Joanna Mccray Email and Phone Number

Joanna Mccray's Contact Information

Joanna Mccray personal email

Joanna Mccray phone numbers

Joanna Mccray's Current Company Details

Hatbox: A Modern Haberdashery


Joanna Mccray Work Experience

    Director Of Marketing And Sales Representative
    Hatbox: A Modern Haberdashery Feb 15 - Nov 15 · 9 mos
    Austin, Texas, United States
    * Presented current promotions to the public at different industry events. * In charge of inbound and outbound marketing campaigns to generate more traffic and develop relationships with local companies.; Created visuals used to market new exclusive brands. * Incorporated new market strategies to promote the brand and create more traffic on the media forums. * Promoted new brands by capturing visuals of in store products and sales items. * Helped design and managed website that was followed by 1,357 clients. * Implemented business expansion plans and structures for growth Show less
    Ron Parks Photography Jan 15 - Aug 15 · 7 mos
    Austin, Texas, United States
    * C3 presents - Austin Texas * Direct artist relations assistant. * In charge of arranging travel coordinations. * Assisted with production, and representation at events. * Organized and created expense reports for multiple events and company get togethers. * Managed travel for all chefs and sous chefs who performed at Austin Food and Wine Festival. * Managed travel for Austin City Limit performers and production crews. * Helped locate decor for dressing rooms and focused on hospitality in the VIP tents. * Very versed in excel. * Negotiated and booked hotel arrangements for the different artists. Show less

Joanna Mccray Education

    Bowie High School

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Frequently Asked Questions about Joanna Mccray

What company does Joanna Mccray work for?

Joanna Mccray works for Hatbox: A Modern Haberdashery

Which industry does Joanna Mccray work in currently?

Joanna Mccray works in the industry Retail.

What is Joanna Mccray's email address?

Joanna Mccray's email address is

What is Joanna Mccray's direct phone number?

Joanna Mccray's direct phone number is +15129257274

What schools did Joanna Mccray attend?

Joanna Mccray attended Bowie High School.

Who are Joanna Mccray's colleagues?

Joanna Mccray's colleagues are and Serena Barton. and Lauri Turner.

Who are Joanna Mccray's peers at other companies?

Joanna Mccray's peers at other companies are Nicole Anderson, Martha Mahan-Porta, Jesse Garson, Trevor Barcomb, David Wyatt, and Jorge Camacho. and Samantha Vaughan. Joanna Mccray's peers at other companies are Nicole Anderson, Martha Mahan-Porta, Jesse Garson, Trevor Barcomb, David Wyatt, and Jorge Camacho. and Samantha Vaughan.