Joann Lechko

Joann Lechko Email and Phone Number

Nurse Manager @ Boston Scientific
marlborough, massachusetts, united states

Joann Lechko's Contact Details

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Joann Lechko's Current Company Details

Boston Scientific

Nurse Manager
marlborough, massachusetts, united states
Medical Devices

Joann Lechko Work Experience

Joann Lechko Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Joann Lechko

What company does Joann Lechko work for?

Joann Lechko works for Boston Scientific

What is Joann Lechko's role in his/her workplace?

Joann Lechko's role in his/her workplace is Nurse Manager.

Which industry does Joann Lechko work in currently?

Joann Lechko works in the industry Medical Devices.

What is Joann Lechko's email address?

Joann Lechko's email address is

What schools did Joann Lechko attend?

Joann Lechko attended University Of St. Francis.

Who are Joann Lechko's colleagues?

Joann Lechko's colleagues are Eilish Walsh, Eilish Walsh, Jeff Lee, Jeff Lee, Nadin Gonzalez, Nadin Gonzalez, Cherno Haidara, Cherno Haidara, Natalia Bonilla, Natalia Bonilla, and John Dillon. and Aaron Magris.

Who are Joann Lechko's peers at other companies?

Joann Lechko's peers at other companies are John Field, Annisa Syakri, Jón Brynleifsson, Ethan Yarbrough, Dawn Kovacik, and Jens Blirup. and Apipawat Nonsea. Joann Lechko's peers at other companies are John Field, Annisa Syakri, Jón Brynleifsson, Ethan Yarbrough, Dawn Kovacik, and Jens Blirup. and Apipawat Nonsea.