Jimmy Shihady

Jimmy Shihady Email and Phone Number

Jimmy Shihady's Current Company Details


Bethel Baptist Church

Religious Institutions
Assistant Pastor at Bethel Baptist Church

Jimmy Shihady Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jimmy Shihady

What company does Jimmy Shihady work for?

Jimmy Shihady works for Bethel Baptist Church

What is Jimmy Shihady's role in his/her workplace?

Jimmy Shihady's role in his/her workplace is Pastor.

Which industry does Jimmy Shihady work in currently?

Jimmy Shihady works in the industry Religious Institutions.

Who are Jimmy Shihady's colleagues?

Jimmy Shihady's colleagues are John Sterk, John Sterk, David Robinette, David Robinette, Cynthia Roberts, Cynthia Roberts, Kevin Fogerty, Kevin Fogerty, Jimmy Sasser, Jimmy Sasser, and Cecil Morris. and Steve Ewton.

Who are Jimmy Shihady's peers at other companies?

Jimmy Shihady's peers at other companies are Douglas Rodrigues, Kathleen Herington, Liam Poh, James Zhai, Tzepin Fung, and Jovencio Jamero. and Jackson Frisch. Jimmy Shihady's peers at other companies are Douglas Rodrigues, Kathleen Herington, Liam Poh, James Zhai, Tzepin Fung, and Jovencio Jamero. and Jackson Frisch.