Jim Mcknight

Jim Mcknight Email and Phone Number

Network And Telecommunications Lead @ Northwest Hospital & Medical Center
seattle, washington, united states

Jim Mcknight's Contact Details

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Jim Mcknight's Current Company Details


Northwest Hospital & Medical Center

Network And Telecommunications Lead
seattle, washington, united states
Hospital & Health Care

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jim Mcknight

What company does Jim Mcknight work for?

Jim Mcknight works for Northwest Hospital & Medical Center

What is Jim Mcknight's role in his/her workplace?

Jim Mcknight's role in his/her workplace is Network And Telecommunications Lead.

Which industry does Jim Mcknight work in currently?

Jim Mcknight works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Jim Mcknight's email address?

Jim Mcknight's email address is james.mcknight@nwhsea.org

Who are Jim Mcknight's colleagues?

Jim Mcknight's colleagues are Rafael Escribano, Rafael Escribano, Ginny Wollen, Ginny Wollen, Diana Rodriguez, Diana Rodriguez, Anitha Nallu, Anitha Nallu, Dawn Edwards, Dawn Edwards, and Svetlana Golant. and Heidi Durall.

Who are Jim Mcknight's peers at other companies?

Jim Mcknight's peers at other companies are Mary Turner-Lewis, Nicola Mcdonald, Levi Damaso, Dave Green, Lolita Brown, and Kristy Suttle. and Eilish Croke. Jim Mcknight's peers at other companies are Mary Turner-Lewis, Nicola Mcdonald, Levi Damaso, Dave Green, Lolita Brown, and Kristy Suttle. and Eilish Croke.