Jill Mcfarlane

Jill Mcfarlane Email and Phone Number

Assistant Practice Manager @ Gp Surgery
london, greater london, united kingdom

Jill Mcfarlane's Current Company Details


Gp Surgery

Assistant Practice Manager
london, greater london, united kingdom
Computer Software

Jill Mcfarlane Work Experience

  • gpsurgery.com
    Clinical Administrator
    United Kingdom
  • gpsurgery.com
    Assistant Practice Manager
    Gp Surgery Jan 19 - Present · 6 yrs 1 mo
    London, Greater London, United Kingdom

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jill Mcfarlane

What company does Jill Mcfarlane work for?

Jill Mcfarlane works for Gp Surgery

What is Jill Mcfarlane's role in his/her workplace?

Jill Mcfarlane's role in his/her workplace is Assistant Practice Manager.

Which industry does Jill Mcfarlane work in currently?

Jill Mcfarlane works in the industry Computer Software.

Who are Jill Mcfarlane's colleagues?

Jill Mcfarlane's colleagues are Luna Dadunashvili, Luna Dadunashvili, Shonagh Neville, Shonagh Neville, Ali Jay, Ali Jay, Caroline Griffiths, Caroline Griffiths, Jennifer Bielitz, Jennifer Bielitz, and Inge Davies. and Keeley Williams.

Who are Jill Mcfarlane's peers at other companies?

Jill Mcfarlane's peers at other companies are Pankaj Arora, Sylvia Boone, Naveed Umer, Pavankumar Kumar, Yashoda Reddy, and Ruby Daniel. and Joseph Garafalo. Jill Mcfarlane's peers at other companies are Pankaj Arora, Sylvia Boone, Naveed Umer, Pavankumar Kumar, Yashoda Reddy, and Ruby Daniel. and Joseph Garafalo.