Jessica Garozzo

Jessica Garozzo Email and Phone Number

Sales Assistant @ Bras N Things

Jessica Garozzo's Current Company Details

Bras N Things

Sales Assistant

Jessica Garozzo Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jessica Garozzo

What company does Jessica Garozzo work for?

Jessica Garozzo works for Bras N Things

What is Jessica Garozzo's role in his/her workplace?

Jessica Garozzo's role in his/her workplace is Sales Assistant.

Which industry does Jessica Garozzo work in currently?

Jessica Garozzo works in the industry Retail.

Who are Jessica Garozzo's colleagues?

Jessica Garozzo's colleagues are Eilidh Munro, Eilidh Munro, Sathy Selemani, Sathy Selemani, Rachel Florence, Rachel Florence, Chantel Chevalley, Chantel Chevalley, Natalie Chalmers, Natalie Chalmers, and Maria Benitez. and Laura Hill.

Who are Jessica Garozzo's peers at other companies?

Jessica Garozzo's peers at other companies are Liza Holmström, Caetano Batti, Sarah Magorrian, Davione Bouldin, Daniela Espinoza, and Joshua Leopard. and Joanna Bermejo. Jessica Garozzo's peers at other companies are Liza Holmström, Caetano Batti, Sarah Magorrian, Davione Bouldin, Daniela Espinoza, and Joshua Leopard. and Joanna Bermejo.