Jernel Green

Jernel Green Email and Phone Number

dublin, ohio, united states

Jernel Green's Current Company Details

The Wendy'S Company

dublin, ohio, united states

Jernel Green Work Experience

Jernel Green Education

    C.C Sweeting Sr, High School
    2006 - 2009

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jernel Green

What company does Jernel Green work for?

Jernel Green works for The Wendy's Company

Which industry does Jernel Green work in currently?

Jernel Green works in the industry Restaurants.

What schools did Jernel Green attend?

Jernel Green attended C.c Sweeting Sr, High School.

Who are Jernel Green's colleagues?

Jernel Green's colleagues are Melissa Culotta, Melissa Culotta, Linda Mason, Linda Mason, William Ingrahm, William Ingrahm, Joel Norwood, Joel Norwood, Shelby Wood, Shelby Wood, and Angel Tibbs. and Shakqana Cox.

Who are Jernel Green's peers at other companies?

Jernel Green's peers at other companies are Sarah Draper, Heather Rebert, Mary Solovi, Djida Troudart, Matthew Németh, and Abigail Prentiss. and David Wesoloski. Jernel Green's peers at other companies are Sarah Draper, Heather Rebert, Mary Solovi, Djida Troudart, Matthew Németh, and Abigail Prentiss. and David Wesoloski.