Jennifer George

Jennifer George Email and Phone Number

Jennyscowichanknits @ Jennyscowichanknits

Jennifer George's Current Company Details



Jennifer George Work Experience

  • Jennyscowichanknits
    Jennyscowichanknits 1998 - Present · 27 yrs 1 mo
    I knit all sorts of items,sweaters,vests,touques, socks,mitts,scarves . Orders can be taken at

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jennifer George

What company does Jennifer George work for?

Jennifer George works for Jennyscowichanknits

What is Jennifer George's role in his/her workplace?

Jennifer George's role in his/her workplace is Jennyscowichanknits.

What are some of Jennifer George's interests?

Jennifer George has interests in Human Rights, Human Rights. Environment, Environment. and Health.

What is Jennifer George's role in his workplace?

Jennifer George has skills like Beading, Crochet, Fashion Design, Oil Painting, Sewing, Fiber Arts, Felting, Sweaters, Crafts, Embroidery, Scarves, Sculpture, Craft, Hand Knitting, Knitting, and Knitwear.