Jennifer Dussourd

Jennifer Dussourd Email and Phone Number

Talent Agent @ Model Club Inc
boston, massachusetts, united states

Jennifer Dussourd's Contact Details

Jennifer Dussourd work email

Jennifer Dussourd personal email

Jennifer Dussourd's Current Company Details

Model Club Inc

Talent Agent
boston, massachusetts, united states

Jennifer Dussourd Work Experience

Jennifer Dussourd Education

    East Boston High School
    2007 - 2011
    Bachelors in Communication 2011 - 2015

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jennifer Dussourd

What company does Jennifer Dussourd work for?

Jennifer Dussourd works for Model Club Inc

What is Jennifer Dussourd's role in his/her workplace?

Jennifer Dussourd's role in his/her workplace is Talent Agent.

Which industry does Jennifer Dussourd work in currently?

Jennifer Dussourd works in the industry Entertainment.

What is Jennifer Dussourd's email address?

Jennifer Dussourd's email address is

What schools did Jennifer Dussourd attend?

Jennifer Dussourd attended East Boston High School, East Boston High School. and Newbury College.

What are some of Jennifer Dussourd's interests?

Jennifer Dussourd has interests in Hockey, Hockey. Video Editing With Sony Vegas Pro, Video Editing With Sony Vegas Pro. Watching Television And Movies, Watching Television And Movies. and Reading.

What is Jennifer Dussourd's role in his workplace?

Jennifer Dussourd has skills like Video Editing, Social Media, Microsoft Office, Social Networking, Microsoft Word, Facebook, Television, Editing, Blogging, and Creative Writing.

Who are Jennifer Dussourd's colleagues?

Jennifer Dussourd's colleagues are Wendy Santiago, Wendy Santiago, Sean Donnelly, Sean Donnelly, Maritza Diaz, Maritza Diaz, Jaci Kjernander, Jaci Kjernander, Mphaphathi Posholi, Mphaphathi Posholi, and Dany Lai. and Royce Model.

Who are Jennifer Dussourd's peers at other companies?

Jennifer Dussourd's peers at other companies are Josh Jones, Arunaraje Patil, Mario Riveros, Ferdinand Nunez, April Consalo, and Marty Gilbert. and John Muldowney. Jennifer Dussourd's peers at other companies are Josh Jones, Arunaraje Patil, Mario Riveros, Ferdinand Nunez, April Consalo, and Marty Gilbert. and John Muldowney.