Jen Wingate

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Jen Wingate's Contact Information

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Jen Wingate's Current Company Details

Local Government Improvement And Development (Lgid)

Human Resources
Community Engagement Adviser at Local Government Improvement and Development (LGID)

Jen Wingate Work Experience

    Community Transport Officer
    South Norfolk District Council Sep 99 - Mar 01 · 1 yr 6 mos
    Leader Ii Project Officer
    Norfolk Rural Community Council Jun 98 - Sep 99 · 1 yr 3 mos
    Acting Co-Executive Director
    Inspire East East Of England Development Agency May 08 - May 09 · 1 yr
    Led and managed the team, provided strategic direction to deliver high quality services across the sustainable communities, regeneration and community development sectors. Generated over £1m income, strengthened the organisation and increased its recognition in the region and nationally. Applied analytical and research skills to determine priorities and identify good practice. Analysed policy and provided written and oral briefings. Developed and delivered a range of creative seminars and conferences reaching over 1000 practitioners, community leaders and councillors each year, from across the public, voluntary, community and private sectors.
    Community Manager
    Inspire East East Of England Development Agency Feb 04 - May 08 · 4 yrs 3 mos
    Working with the community, voluntary, public and private sectors to support community led activity in the East of England. Created and facilitated practitioner networks, including being the inaugural chair of the Community Development Network East, and a member of the Funding East steering group. Led the formation and development of the Regional Empowerment Partnership, bringing together partners to design and deliver a programme of activity. Mapped and analysed community empowerment activity in the region, developed case studies, and delivered training and events on a range of topics. Represented the region, and partnerships from the English regions, on national policy development and implementation groups.
    Development Manager
    Eeda Mar 01 - Feb 04 · 2 yrs 11 mos
    United Kingdom
    Managed a number of economic and social regeneration programmes, including: community development, rural development and physical regeneration projects. Coordinated and led the development of the first urban renaissance strategy for the East of England.
    Community Engagement Advisor
    Advised councils across the country on ways to improve community engagement and participation. Helped to develop and deliver the organisations support to councillors on Big Society. Led the organisation's work on youth engagement to strengthen democracy, including research and resources to support councillors, officers and young people, so that young people can have better opportunity to shape the decisions that affect thier and thier communities lives. Created and facilitated an online practitioner network, with over 1700 members, to share ideas, develop practice and resolve issues. Wrote, commissioned or developed numerous publications, guides and resources, for example community empowerment mapping tools. Represented the local government sector on central government advisory groups. Speaking engagements included for audiences of practitioners, councillors and community organisations.

Jen Wingate Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jen Wingate

What company does Jen Wingate work for?

Jen Wingate works for Local Government Improvement And Development (Lgid)

Which industry does Jen Wingate work in currently?

Jen Wingate works in the industry Human Resources.

What is Jen Wingate's email address?

Jen Wingate's email address is

What schools did Jen Wingate attend?

Jen Wingate attended City College Norwich, City College Norwich. University Of Cambridge, University Of Cambridge. and University Of Plymouth.

Who are Jen Wingate's colleagues?

Jen Wingate's colleagues are Jackie Leask, Jackie Leask, Anita Moss, Anita Moss, Abdul Shaikh, Abdul Shaikh, German Solatorio, German Solatorio, Muhammad Umair, Muhammad Umair, and Kaelo Willie. and Liam Hughes.

Who are Jen Wingate's peers at other companies?

Jen Wingate's peers at other companies are Abdullah Avanaş, Kinga Wójcicka, Leili Youssefi, Caroline Costa, Wioleta Staś, and Durga Durai. and Marie Guzmán. Jen Wingate's peers at other companies are Abdullah Avanaş, Kinga Wójcicka, Leili Youssefi, Caroline Costa, Wioleta Staś, and Durga Durai. and Marie Guzmán.