Jen Weller

Jen Weller Email and Phone Number

Customer Experience Specialist @ Brentwood Industries, Inc.
reading, pennsylvania, united states

Jen Weller's Contact Details

Jen Weller personal email

Jen Weller phone numbers

Jen Weller's Current Company Details

Brentwood Industries, Inc.

Customer Experience Specialist
reading, pennsylvania, united states
Experienced Senior Customer Service Representative with a demonstrated history of working in the food production industry. Skilled in Negotiation, Customer Service, Retail, Inventory Management, and Customer Satisfaction. Strong operations professional with a Diploma focused in Business/Commerce, General from Blue Mountain High.

Jen Weller Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jen Weller

What company does Jen Weller work for?

Jen Weller works for Brentwood Industries, Inc.

What is Jen Weller's role in his/her workplace?

Jen Weller's role in his/her workplace is Customer Experience Specialist.

Which industry does Jen Weller work in currently?

Jen Weller works in the industry Plastics.

What is Jen Weller's email address?

Jen Weller's email address is

What is Jen Weller's direct phone number?

Jen Weller's direct phone number is +16109218113

Who are Jen Weller's colleagues?

Jen Weller's colleagues are Patricia Bokanyi, Patricia Bokanyi, Guillermo Alcaraz, Guillermo Alcaraz, Atul Joshi, Atul Joshi, Charles Deffibaugh, Charles Deffibaugh, Shwetha Gowdanakatte, Shwetha Gowdanakatte, and Luis Almonte. and Maunik Panchal.

Who are Jen Weller's peers at other companies?

Jen Weller's peers at other companies are Francesca Kuhn, Jimmy Nielsen, Irene Camarasa, Helbert De Cuba, Élio Borrega, and Abe Choi. and Berk Cansoy. Jen Weller's peers at other companies are Francesca Kuhn, Jimmy Nielsen, Irene Camarasa, Helbert De Cuba, Élio Borrega, and Abe Choi. and Berk Cansoy.