Jazmine O'kelley

Jazmine O'kelley Email and Phone Number

School Psychologist @ Five Star Coop
new hampton, iowa, united states

Jazmine O'kelley's Contact Information

Jazmine O'kelley work email

Jazmine O'kelley personal email

Jazmine O'kelley phone numbers

Jazmine O'kelley's Current Company Details


Five Star Coop

School Psychologist
new hampton, iowa, united states

Jazmine O'kelley Work Experience

  • fivestar.coop
    School Psychologist
    Five Star Coop Aug 11 - Present · 13 yrs 5 mos
    New Hampton, Iowa, United States

Jazmine O'kelley Education

  • fivestar.coop
    Putnam City WestHigh School
  • fivestar.coop
    Putnam City West High School

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jazmine O'kelley

What company does Jazmine O'kelley work for?

Jazmine O'kelley works for Five Star Coop

What is Jazmine O'kelley's role in his/her workplace?

Jazmine O'kelley's role in his/her workplace is School Psychologist.

Which industry does Jazmine O'kelley work in currently?

Jazmine O'kelley works in the industry Farming.

What is Jazmine O'kelley's email address?

Jazmine O'kelley's email address is jazzy5682@yahoo.com

What is Jazmine O'kelley's direct phone number?

Jazmine O'kelley's direct phone number is +14053614023

What schools did Jazmine O'kelley attend?

Jazmine O'kelley attended Putnam City Westhigh School, Putnam City Westhigh School. and Putnam City West High School.

Who are Jazmine O'kelley's colleagues?

Jazmine O'kelley's colleagues are Cristobal Fajardo, Cristobal Fajardo, Nick Sawyer, Nick Sawyer, Rovin Superal, Rovin Superal, Terrance Anderson, Terrance Anderson, Brad Kohls, Brad Kohls, and Chad Rahlf. and Bruce Halvorson.

Who are Jazmine O'kelley's peers at other companies?

Jazmine O'kelley's peers at other companies are Annick Sattler, Erbert Tangerino, Mike Strand, Dana Lang, Gelson Liu, and Raghav Gulu. and E Karen Distad Bi. Jazmine O'kelley's peers at other companies are Annick Sattler, Erbert Tangerino, Mike Strand, Dana Lang, Gelson Liu, and Raghav Gulu. and E Karen Distad Bi.