Jasper Mcnair

Jasper Mcnair Email and Phone Number

Mechanic 3 @ Fts International
fort worth, texas, united states

Jasper Mcnair's Contact Details

Jasper Mcnair work email

Jasper Mcnair personal email


Jasper Mcnair's Current Company Details


Fts International

Mechanic 3
fort worth, texas, united states
Oil & Energy

Jasper Mcnair Work Experience

  • ftsi.com
    Maintenance Manager
    Fts International Sep 10 - Aug 13 · 2 yrs 11 mos
    Fort Worth, Texas, United States
    Started as a field mechanic worked up to maintenance manager
  • ftsi.com
    Mechanic 3
    Fts International Jan 15 - Present · 10 yrs 1 mo
    Fort Worth, Texas, United States
    FTS International (FTSI) is the largest private well completion company in North America. Providing customized well stimulation solutions for today's unconventional operations requires expertise and proven experience. FTSI combines the best advances in stimulation technologies, targeted solutions and attentive customer service to ensure top performance for our customers.FTSI is a drug free, equal opportunity employer that offers competitive compensation, a full range of benefits and the opportunity to work with and learn from some of the most innovative and experienced personnel in the industry. To apply for a career with us, visit www.ftsi.com or email a resume to humanresources@ftsi.com.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jasper Mcnair

What company does Jasper Mcnair work for?

Jasper Mcnair works for Fts International

What is Jasper Mcnair's role in his/her workplace?

Jasper Mcnair's role in his/her workplace is Mechanic 3.

Which industry does Jasper Mcnair work in currently?

Jasper Mcnair works in the industry Oil & Energy.

What is Jasper Mcnair's email address?

Jasper Mcnair's email address is jasper.mcnair@ftsi.com

What is Jasper Mcnair's role in his/her workplace?

Jasper Mcnair has skills like Management, Gas, Oil, and Supervisory Skills.

Who are Jasper Mcnair's colleagues?

Jasper Mcnair's colleagues are Mark Harames, Mark Harames, Tracy Waller, Tracy Waller, Robert Gaston, Robert Gaston, Michael Rojek, Michael Rojek, Billy Brown, Billy Brown, and Loveline Shey. and Angel Gonzalez-Castillo.

Who are Jasper Mcnair's peers at other companies?

Jasper Mcnair's peers at other companies are Thomas Weigel, Anil Ramjagassar, Thakun Jiwalai, Hooi Gan, David Ritchie, and Feleica Pickett. and Micheal Walbeg. Jasper Mcnair's peers at other companies are Thomas Weigel, Anil Ramjagassar, Thakun Jiwalai, Hooi Gan, David Ritchie, and Feleica Pickett. and Micheal Walbeg.