Jasen Miner

Jasen Miner Email and Phone Number

Principal Design Engineer @ Utc Aerospace Systems
charlotte, north carolina, united states

Jasen Miner's Contact Details

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Jasen Miner's Current Company Details


Utc Aerospace Systems

Principal Design Engineer
charlotte, north carolina, united states
Aviation & Aerospace

Jasen Miner Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jasen Miner

What company does Jasen Miner work for?

Jasen Miner works for Utc Aerospace Systems

What is Jasen Miner's role in his/her workplace?

Jasen Miner's role in his/her workplace is Principal Design Engineer.

Which industry does Jasen Miner work in currently?

Jasen Miner works in the industry Aviation & Aerospace.

What is Jasen Miner's email address?

Jasen Miner's email address is jasen.miner@utcaerospacesystems.com

What is Jasen Miner's role in his workplace?

Jasen Miner has skills like Aerospace, Aircraft, and Aerospace Engineering.

Who are Jasen Miner's colleagues?

Jasen Miner's colleagues are Tim Davis, Tim Davis, Andrea Mederos, Andrea Mederos, Donna Huether, Donna Huether, Ravi Vaddeswaram, Ravi Vaddeswaram, Pamela Moore, Pamela Moore, and Vincent Villanueva. and Andreas Wessel.

Who are Jasen Miner's peers at other companies?

Jasen Miner's peers at other companies are Brian Covington, Iseel Yanez, Prasad Rachagolla, Manny Ramirez, Stacy Hyle, and Steve Healey. and Céline Mienville-Barut. Jasen Miner's peers at other companies are Brian Covington, Iseel Yanez, Prasad Rachagolla, Manny Ramirez, Stacy Hyle, and Steve Healey. and Céline Mienville-Barut.