Jasen Demers

Jasen Demers Email and Phone Number

Superviseur Maintenance @ Couvoir Scott
scott, quebec, canada

Jasen Demers's Current Company Details


Couvoir Scott

Superviseur Maintenance
scott, quebec, canada

Jasen Demers Work Experience

  • couvoirscott.com
    Chargé De Projet À La Maintenance
    Couvoir Scott Aug 21 - Oct 22 · 1 yr 2 mos
    Scott, Quebec, Canada
  • couvoirscott.com
    Superviseur Maintenance
    Couvoir Scott Sep 22 - Present · 2 yrs 5 mos
    Scott, Quebec, Canada

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jasen Demers

What company does Jasen Demers work for?

Jasen Demers works for Couvoir Scott

What is Jasen Demers's role in his/her workplace?

Jasen Demers's role in his/her workplace is Superviseur Maintenance.

Which industry does Jasen Demers work in currently?

Jasen Demers works in the industry Farming.

Who are Jasen Demers's colleagues?

Jasen Demers's colleagues are Mahamoudou Koné, Mahamoudou Koné, Benoît Tremblay, Benoît Tremblay, Antoine Breton, Antoine Breton, Jérémy Lavoie, Jérémy Lavoie, Patrick Goupil, Patrick Goupil, and Pascale Boucher. and Agr Jean-Michel Allard Prus.

Who are Jasen Demers's peers at other companies?

Jasen Demers's peers at other companies are Héctor González, Edouard Balland, Steffen Lundsgaard, Yuri Moura, Murilo Leal, and Lucie Guinchard. and Jane Johnson. Jasen Demers's peers at other companies are Héctor González, Edouard Balland, Steffen Lundsgaard, Yuri Moura, Murilo Leal, and Lucie Guinchard. and Jane Johnson.