Janelle Racine

Janelle Racine Email and Phone Number

Customer Service Specialist @ The Haartz Corporation
acton, massachusetts, united states

Janelle Racine's Current Company Details


The Haartz Corporation

Customer Service Specialist
acton, massachusetts, united states
Professional with 10 years experience in automotive manufacturing, customer service and account management, and international import and exports.

Janelle Racine Work Experience

  • haartz.com
    Customer Service Specialist
    The Haartz Corporation Oct 11 - Present · 13 yrs 4 mos
    Acton, Massachusetts, United States
    Work as a customer service representative and account manager for various OEM and tier 1 clients, and international logistics specialist for many international clients.

Janelle Racine Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Janelle Racine

What company does Janelle Racine work for?

Janelle Racine works for The Haartz Corporation

What is Janelle Racine's role in his/her workplace?

Janelle Racine's role in his/her workplace is Customer Service Specialist.

Which industry does Janelle Racine work in currently?

Janelle Racine works in the industry Automotive.

What schools did Janelle Racine attend?

Janelle Racine attended Mount Wachusett Community College.

Who are Janelle Racine's colleagues?

Janelle Racine's colleagues are Tara Sargentelli, Tara Sargentelli, Elvoris Mercedes, Elvoris Mercedes, Lance Cullen, Lance Cullen, Kristine Togneri, Kristine Togneri, Shawn Plouffe, Shawn Plouffe, and Chris Berger. and Chris Saulnier.

Who are Janelle Racine's peers at other companies?

Janelle Racine's peers at other companies are Erick Nino, Alfons Krautkraemer, Victor Acosta, Alex De Carvalho, Miguel De La Huerga Mendoza, and Nagarajan K. and Ron Bontreger. Janelle Racine's peers at other companies are Erick Nino, Alfons Krautkraemer, Victor Acosta, Alex De Carvalho, Miguel De La Huerga Mendoza, and Nagarajan K. and Ron Bontreger.